Friday, September 12, 2008

Okay, I am on board

I'm not sure that I have anyone else's e-mail addresses you don't have Bran, but I will look over my address book and see.  Since I am not working right now, I will have a bit more time (study breaks) to look at ideas and post stuff.  I think we need to really ask Uncle Dave and Aunt Peggy for their ideas, because Aunt Peggy says Uncle Dave is really talented at finding great travel deals.  I know there were plans to look at Florida and Disney World, Bran you mentioned Idaho, Melanie mentioned Hawaii.  Colorado even sounds great.  Do any of the cousins have ideas?  I am trying to put together an excel spreadsheet that everyone can use to budget for the reunion if they need it.  I will post it as soon as I get it finished - need to make sure all the formulas are correct.  Love you and will post something soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wee haw! This is going to be awesome!

If you get a chance, try to invite aunt peggy as an author to the blog.

Love you.