Monday, September 22, 2008


Hello Family!! Where is everyone? Just some quick news: Eric is actually PAYING for the business tonight. Crazy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Okay, I am on board

I'm not sure that I have anyone else's e-mail addresses you don't have Bran, but I will look over my address book and see.  Since I am not working right now, I will have a bit more time (study breaks) to look at ideas and post stuff.  I think we need to really ask Uncle Dave and Aunt Peggy for their ideas, because Aunt Peggy says Uncle Dave is really talented at finding great travel deals.  I know there were plans to look at Florida and Disney World, Bran you mentioned Idaho, Melanie mentioned Hawaii.  Colorado even sounds great.  Do any of the cousins have ideas?  I am trying to put together an excel spreadsheet that everyone can use to budget for the reunion if they need it.  I will post it as soon as I get it finished - need to make sure all the formulas are correct.  Love you and will post something soon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hey: I'm trying to get this going, gals (my little sises). Please send the link/info out to family members for whom you have e-mail addresses. Get back to me on the post, and lets get some ideas solidified. La: we can also use this for wedding plans. It's a great central place for all the fam. Any new plans yet? Flower girl dresses? Maybe look at patterns, Darla's mom can make something. Melanie: when IS your anniversary anyway? Dori: I need Stephen's phone number too! Love you guys! -bran

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Many thanks to Our Lady of Perpetual help for intercessions on our behalf. You lovingly request favors from your Holy Son, Jesus the Christ; favors of blessings for all those who come to you for help. Thank you for your help in this, the time of our need. In Christ's name, Amen.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

get it on

Hey! So glad you posted (the Berryhills!). I think the consensus was 2010--I'm not sure about time of year or where, that's why I wanted to get as many family members together on one page to discuss. Aunt Steffi and I talked about Colorado, where they have a condo. Their place sleeps six, and we could rent other condos to fit everyone else. Also, Aunt Peggy and Uncle Dave were thinking of renting condos in FL, so we would be close to Disney and stuff. I am throwing out the idea of coming up here to Idaho and renting a place on the lake? We need to get ideas out and everyone talking so this thing takes shape. Love to you guys! Oh, check this out:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cool idea

Hey Bran! This was a cool idea! I didn't know you were wanting to plan a big reunion. If we have it any time in the next year or so we would say Hawaii! =) Ya, ya, I know - it's too expensive... Other than that I would say Phoenix in the winter... Or what about North Florida? We still have family there, right?

Quick Hello

Hi guys! Let's get this blog spot out: if you have family e-mail, put them on. We need to get this reunion planning started. La: I know you're planning a wedding, this won't usurp that, okay? Love you guys!